


发布时间:2024-09-17 11:26:15阅读次数:








2014.09-2018.06,中国石油大学(华东)  石油工程        学士

2018.01-2018.06,哈利法科学技术大学    CSC公派

2018.09-2023.06,中国石油大学(华东)  油气田开发工程  博士

2023.06-至今,   长江大学              石油工程        讲师/硕导



注气(CO2/烃气/空气/ N2)提高采收率

CO2 驱油与地质埋存


[1] 低渗低粘高含水油田注空气强化热驱工艺研究,2023,吐哈油田

[2] 考虑微观混相特征的CO2驱油流动模拟方法研究,2023,长江大学引才计划

[3] 大排量压裂地质条件适配性分析,2023,长庆油田

[4] 二氧化碳封存模拟安全评价方法研究,2023,中海油服

[5] 八面河特高含水期油藏精细描述及高效开发技术,2023,江汉油田


[1] 页岩油气跨尺度运移机制及流动模拟方法,绿色矿山科技成果奖,2023,

[2] 深层油藏CO2封存与提高采收率机理及技术,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,2023

[3] 减氧空气安全开采天然气技术与应用,山东省大学生科技创新二等奖,2022

[4] 高压注空气采油过程中油气爆炸特性及爆炸风险分析,山东省研究生科技创新成果奖,2021



[1] 黄丽娟,陈志伟,李宗法*,等.高压注空气驱油过程中油气爆炸风险分析及特性实验[J].石油学报,2024,45(07):1141-1151.

[2] Li Zongfa, Su Y, Li Lei, et al. Evaluation of CO2 storage of water alternating gas flooding using experimental and numerical simulation methods[J]. Fuel, 2022, 311: 122489. (SCI一区TOP,IF:8.0)

[3] Li Zongfa, Su Yuliang, et al. Influences of diffusion and advection on dynamic oil-CO2 mixing during CO2 EOR and storage process: Experimental study and numerical modeling at pore-scales[J]. Energy, 2022: 126567.(SCI一区TOP,IF:8.6)

[4] Li zongfa, Su Yuliang, et al. Investigation of CO2 storage and EOR of alternating N2 and CO2 injection using experiments and numerical simulation[J]. Fuel, 2023, 340: 127517.(SCI一区TOP,IF:8.0)

[5] Hao Yongmao, Li Zongfa*, Su Yuliang, et al. Experimental investigation of CO2 storage and oil production of different CO2 injection methods at pore-scale and core-scale[J]. Energy, 2022: 124349. (SCI一区TOP,IF:8.6)

[6] Huang Lijuan, Wang Yu, Li Zongfa*, et al. Experimental study on piloted ignition temperature and auto ignition temperature of heavy oils at high pressure[J]. Energy, 2021, 229: 120644. (SCI一区TOP,IF:8.6)

[7] Su Yuliang, Li Zongfa*, Zhan Shiyuan, et al. Correction for capillary pressure influence on relative permeability by combining modified black oil model and Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 204: 108762. (SCI二区,IF:5.2)

[8] Li Zongfa, Huang L, Zhou X, et al. Scaling up in situ combustion process for enhanced oil recovery in water-flooded light oil reservoirs from laboratory to field implementation[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(3). (SCI二区,IF:5.2)

[9] Huang L, Wang Y, Yuan J, Li Zongfa*,et al. Optimization of scale inhibitor and adsorption enhancer during squeeze process in offshore oilfields[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(7). (SCI二区,IF:5.2)

[10] Huang L,Li Zongfa,Wang Y,et al.Experimental assessment on the explosion pressure of CH4-Air mixtures at flammability limits under high pressure and temperature conditions[J].Fuel,2021,299 (SCI一区TOP,IF:8.0)

[11] Hao Y M, Wu G C, Li Zongfa, et al. Investigation of gravity influence on EOR and CO2 geological storage based on pore-scale simulation[J]. Petroleum Science, 2024, 21(2): 987-1001. (SCI一区,IF:6.0)

[12] Li Zongfa, Su Y, Hao Y, et al. Investigation on Non-uniform Miscibility of CO2-Oil in Porous Media and Its Influence on EOR and CO2 Storage[C]//International Field Exploration and Development Conference. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022: 3539-3554.

[13] Huang L, Li Zongfa, Ren S, et al. Risk assessment and enhanced oil recovery effect of gravity assisted oxygen-reduced air flooding[C]//SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021: D031S023R002.

[14] Ma Yifan, Li Zongfa*, Zhao Hui.Inhibiting greenhouse effect and improving oil recovery by alternately injecting CO2 and associated gas[C]//Interpore,2024.





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